Operator Safety School

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be able shoot those really BIG SHELLS? Rainbow Fireworks can help you acquire the licensing to do just that! Sign up to attend one of our ‘hands on’ outdoor fireworks display training schools. Stephanie Ukele, President/Owner and Dale Ragains, Oklahoma General Manager, are our licensed instructors. We offer an 8 hour state approved course, FREE of charge, that will earn you a Certificate of Instruction necessary to obtain an outdoor fireworks display operator’s license.

Our schools are currently given in Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas and Iowa.

Interested in purchasing fireworks from us but don’t have your Federal Explosives License? No worries! We are happy to explain the process to you and answer your questions so you can get your license and buy the highest quality, most colorful, biggest booming fireworks available (ours). If you would like to get your license, please send us an email to [email protected] requesting an informational packet to get you started.

I’m officially an Oklahoma Licensed Display Operator, passed the written exam yesterday with a 92% grade. Thanks to Steve and the Rainbow family for helping prepare me!!
Paul S.

Thanks for all of your work in preparation for this (shooter school).
Jim M.

Thanks for the class, the food and snacks. Looking forward to doing another safe and successful fireworks show.
Randall O.

Upcoming Schools

(click link for registration info)

Fall 2025

If you are interested in hosting a class, please contact us.

A STATE SHOOTER’S LICENSE ONLY gives you the authorization to shoot OUTDOOR DISPLAY FIREWORKS SHOWS in that state.
AN ATF LICENSE (Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives) ONLY gives you authorization to purchase OUTDOOR DISPLAY FIREWORKS.
Links to individual states licensing, requirements and ATF websites
  • Phone: (620) 663-7714
  • FAX: (800) 884-1218
  • Address: 76 Plum Avenue Inman, KS 67546
  • E-Mail: [email protected]

Before you go out and have fun, be sure to check out this video on Fireworks Safety

Countdown to July 4th!






